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Can veneers make your breath smell?

August 30, 2024

Bad breath can be an awkward and embarrassing problem and, in the worst cases, can lead to people hiding themselves away and avoiding social situations. 

As such, getting to the bottom of the cause is essential, so a solution can be implemented and the unpleasant smell abates. 

So, can veneers make your breath smell or is there something else at play? 

Do composite veneers smell?

Simply put, no – porcelain or composite veneers London won’t cause bad breath by themselves. 

Likewise, porcelain veneers also won’t make your breath smell. 

As such, you need to return to the clinic your veneers were fitted through and explain your symptoms to your dental professional, so they can diagnose and treat the problem before it worsens.


can veneers make your breath smell? - LCCD

How to step veneers smelling 

If you are experiencing a noticeably bad smell from your mouth after getting dental veneers, multiple things could be causing the unpleasant phenomenon:

  • Poor oral hygiene 
  • Incorrectly bonded or sealed veneers 
  • Dry mouth
  • Tonsil stones

While you will need to see your dentist to confirm exactly what is causing the issue, you can gain a basic understanding of what is going on below. 

Poor oral hygiene 

As is the case with untreated teeth, not keeping your tongue, teeth, and gums clean can lead to less-than-sweet smells. 

 This is because food particles and bacteria can build up in the mouth if they are not removed, coating the teeth, gums, and tongue in a sticky film – called plaque.  

If left for even longer, this plaque bacteria can go on to cause gum disease (periodontitis) and tartar – both of which can lead to issues like staining, cavities, and infections. 

To stop bad breath from oral hygiene: 

  • Brush twice a day for two minutes 

With a soft brush and fluoride toothpaste. 

  • Floss or use interdental brushes 

At least once a day or when you notice that food is caught in your teeth. 

  • Do not rinse your mouth after brushing 

As this will wash away any leftover fluoride. Instead, use a fluoride mouthwash at another point in the day, for example, after lunch. 

  • See a dentist regularly for a check-up and professional cleaning 

This will help identify problems early, clean the spots you have missed, and freshen your breath and smile. 




can veneers make your breath smell? - LCCD

Ill-fitting veneers 

Very rarely, dentists can encounter complications during fitting, leading to veneers that aren’t properly sealed or bonded to the teeth. 

If there are any gaps, no matter how small, between the natural teeth and the veneers, food particles and bacteria can be caught between them, leading to worsening oral health and bad smells. 

Likewise, if the veneers are too high and put pressure on the gums, this can cause irritation and inflammation – which can also lead to disagreeable breath.  

To stop bad breath from poorly fitted veneers: 

If you notice issues with your veneer treatment, either by seeing or feeling the veneers or instances of bad breath, you need to return to your dentist as soon as possible.

Both porcelain and composite veneers can be easily adjusted or replaced and your breath should improve quickly. 


Dry mouth 

While it sounds more descriptive than anything, dry mouth or xerostomia is a health condition that can cause both a dry mouth and bad breath. 

It can be caused by dehydration, certain medications, nerve damage, or smoking and the reduction in saliva can make it hard to wash away food particles and plaque bacteria. 

To stop bad breath from dry mouth:

  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day 
  • Increase saliva production with sugar-free gum or hard/boiled sweets 
  • Use a humidifier when sleeping or napping 
  • Limit your caffeine and alcohol intake 
  • Avoid tobacco in all forms 


Can veneers make your breath smell? - LCCD

Tonsil stones 

Tonsil stones or tonsilloliths, are small, hardened lumps that form in and around the tonsils. 

These lumps are made up of hardened materials, like calcium, food debris, bacteria, or fungi and generally, they only get to about 5mm across before they dislodge by themselves. 

While around, they are not harmful but can be uncomfortable and cause bad breath.

To stop bad breath caused by tonsil stones:

  • Keep on top of your dental hygiene 

This includes brushing twice a day, flossing at least once, and cleaning your tongue.

  • Manage any allergies, like hay fever, that cause an increase in nasal mucus
  • Gargle with warm salt water or an alcohol-free mouthwash

If you have tonsil stones, you mustn’t try to dislodge them manually as this can cause damage to the delicate structures of the tonsils. However, if they are becoming problematic, you should schedule an appointment with your GP. 




Can veneers make your breath smell? - LCCD

To improve the appearance of your smile, contact LCCD 

Whether you are looking for porcelain/composite veneers or composite bonding, London is the place to look for treatment.  

With decades of experience and the dental professional himself, Dr Mervyn Druian, who pioneered the use of porcelain veneers in the UK in 1983, we have the expertise to craft your new and stunning smile.  

For more information or to book an appointment, feel free to contact the team today by calling 0207 722 1235 or filling in our enquiry form – we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. 

Alternatively, to find out more about ways you can improve your smile using veneers or composite bonding, why not read our blog on achieving the perfect smile


Can veneers make your breath smell? - LCCD